Previous updates


Hot off the press! "An early career perspective on encouraging collaborative and interdisciplinary research in ecology"  is now out in Ecosphere. Read about the opportunities and barriers to collaboration faced by ECRs, written by 7 incredible women in science (plus me!) here


A preprint is available of the latest output from the @FarmNatCons project - read "Non-production vegetation has a positive effect on ecological processes in agroecosystems" here 


Really excited to share the results of many years of hard work -  check out our latest paper in Biological Invasions: Transplant experiments predict potential future spread of alien succulents along an elevation gradient 


I only realized it was out a few minutes ago - what a lovely surprise to get the weekend started!


  Can't believe it's March already! Lots of cool things happening this year, kicking off with a visit to Rotorua next month for the IUHPE conference . Presenting our work at a health conference is a bit outside of my comfort zone but I'm excited! Watch this space for some neat results from the Farming & Nature Conservation team this year, too!


At the risk of speaking too soon, I'm excited to say I submitted two papers in the past 2 weeks. The first was a paper on my PhD field experiments that's been a difficult one to get right, and has been a bit of an albatross! The other is about the GIS analyses that form part of our Farming Nature Conservation project, and follows on from an earlier report (available here)




I'm really looking forward to presenting at the upcoming NZ Ecological Society conference in Wellington this month! I'm going to be talking about spatial analysis of social factors affecting conservation on farms. This work forms part of the social aspect of our NSC project Farming and Nature Conservation and the analysis was carried out by my brilliant students Rueben Goh and Kelly D'Mello (AUT). Can't wait! You can access the programme here: